Commercial gas
We assist our clients with the oversight of plant rooms (both large and small), as well as the district heating schemes.
The pressures on landlords with regard to efficiencies, consistency of supply and safety have never been greater, with further changes in legislation likely to have an even greater impact in these areas.
Clear is appropriately qualified through Gas Safe, CIBSE, HETAS, IGEM, BREAAM and BAFE and the FIA to provide complete advice around the safety, functionality, design and lifespan, efficiency, building management and contractor activities surrounding plant rooms, district heating schemes and the appliances they are associated with.
Commercial gas inspections – our regime
Our inspection regime is fully integrated into our reporting software and outcomes from inspections are reported live, especially those identified as ‘Immediately Dangerous (ID)’, these are automatically notified to duty holders.
All our reports are openly available to clients and contractors to facilitate honest and open conversations around quality and working collaboratively.
We can benchmark multiple suppliers of service, as well as analysing individual engineers for training or quality gaps.
Our inspectors
Clear Safety employs appropriately Gas Safe qualified individuals to complete thorough quality assurance and investigative inspection regimes. All our inspectors have extensive experience of the issues around Social Housing, especially with regard to vulnerable residents and the skills required to provide the highest quality service to landlords.
Our administration team
Diary bookings and access rates are always a challenge in the Social Housing environment and our administration team is highly skilled at making confirmed bookings at convenient times for working residents. We offer out-of-hours appointments, where requested, and having worked through COVID we have a strong understanding of the nuances of individual residents and what can be done to ensure we meet as many of the residents’ requests as is possible within the confines of our remit.
Our systems
- Our industry-leading systems are accessible to all stakeholders.
- Our diary booking system includes text reminders and tracking of inspector progress.
- Our inspectors are provided with a lone working system which has alarm and notification functionality. In addition, the data capture audit system allows inspectors considerable flexibility to record situations on-site with the appropriate corroborating evidence.
- Our clients benefit from the inherent flexibility of our system which makes it possible to alter what we are recording and reporting, based on the clients’ needs. Therefore, if a client requests changes to the audit form, this can be immediately activated and be in place the next working day.
The system for contractor works and cost control provides a complete audit trail of all decision-making, all finance commitments and the associated point of approval, complete forward and current budgetary control, as well as a fully auditable set of annual accounts for analysis (including spend patterns).