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Clear appointed to LHC's ASC1 Framework: Elevating Public Sector Building Safety and Maintenance

Stuart Letley

Stuart Letley Director

Wednesday, 13th December 20233 min read

We are thrilled to share the exciting news that Clear has been appointed to the LHC's Asset Safety and Compliance (ASC1), marking a significant milestone in our commitment to enhancing building safety and maintenance for the public sector. This strategic partnership with LHC reinforces our dedication to providing comprehensive asset safety and compliance solutions, aligning with UK government guidelines and legal responsibilities.

The Framework Overview

The LHC ASC1 Framework is specifically crafted to provide public sector organisations with a comprehensive suite of asset safety and compliance support. Tailored to meet the stringent requirements of government guidelines and legal responsibilities pertaining to building safety and maintenance, ASC1 emerges as a vital tool for ensuring the well-being of occupants and the longevity of public sector infrastructure.

Key Objectives of LHC's ASC1 Framework

1. Comprehensive Safety and Compliance Solutions

ASC1 stands out as a one-stop solution designed to address the diverse needs of public sector organisations. It offers us a comprehensive and documented process aimed at ensuring that buildings adhere to the highest safety standards and remain in compliance with regulatory requirements.

2. Meeting UK Government Guidelines

Public sector entities face the challenge of navigating complex government guidelines related to building safety and maintenance. ASC1 simplifies this process by providing clear and actionable support, enabling organisations to seamlessly align with and exceed these guidelines.

3. Legal Responsibilities

Building owners and managers carry a significant legal responsibility to uphold safety standards and ensure proper maintenance. The ASC1 framework governed by LHC is strategically designed to assist public sector organisations in fulfilling these obligations, mitigating risks, and promoting a safe and secure environment for all stakeholders.

Clear's role in the Framework

As a trusted partner within the Framework, Clear brings a wealth of expertise and innovative solutions to the table. Our commitment to excellence in building safety and maintenance aligns seamlessly with the objectives, ensuring that public sector organisations receive an unrivalled level of support and services.

Learn More About LHC ASC1

For those interested in delving deeper into the Framework and its impact on public sector building safety and maintenance, additional information can be found on the official LHC website: LHC ASC1 Framework. Explore the framework to understand how it can empower your organisation to navigate the complexities of asset safety and compliance with confidence.

A final word

Clear's appointment to the LHC's ASC1 Framework represents a significant leap forward in our mission to elevate building safety and maintenance standards for the public sector. We are excited about the opportunities this presents and remain committed to delivering unparalleled asset safety and compliance support to public sector organisations. Together with LHC, we look forward to creating safer, more resilient environments.

ASC1 Certificate of appointment

ASC1 certificate of appointment for Clear Safety


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